Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sports Culture

Allow me a moment or two to vent here. Recently DirecTV has teamed with Jimmy Kimmel (at least I think it's Jimmy Kimmel--I'm none too sure of the "man's man" celebrities they use these days) to promote the NFL package. I can't remember exactly what's it's called, but basically Kimmel leads in by talking about some NFL game last year and describing how one of the teams/players did something that any NFL fan would be shame-faced to miss. He makes it sound like history was made in the game such that the lives of 1 billion people in China were drastically impacted by the outcome of the game.

After he finishes with his breathless recap of the game he smugly looks into the camera and says, "And you probably missed it because you only get four games on cable. Heh, cable!" Then going on to extol the virtues of NFL Direct Ticket (or whatever it's called), and how DirecTV can save you from any such potential embarrassment this year. I mean, there is no reason to miss one second of any game. You can watch them all!

Well, that is a relief. Living in this backward country where your average Joe can only see four games--about 16 hours--of the NFL on any given Sunday is just depressing. How can we be expected to go on?

In all seriousness, this is simply a blatant example of egregious American consumerism, sloth and mediocrity. Those who know me recognize that I am a huge sports fan, and I have been known to squander large amounts of time in front of the TV worshipping the idols of the day. But, doesn't this simply take it too far? Do we really need to prove ourselves to Jimmy Kimmel by watching every second of every NFL game--or at least proving our manhood by having that option? How can the 12 - 16 hours already available to us not be enough? It just seems absurd that individuals would be willing to shell out large amounts of money to make every second available when the networks, ESPN, ESPN News and all the rest make it virtually impossible to miss a second of any game as it is.

In short, it just seems we could find something better to do with our time and resources. Our entertainment culture is careening toward disaster, and we are all simply along enjoying the ride. Jimmy Kimmel is the perfect pawn to drive the point home.


Rebecca said...

I agree -- I recently saw an advertisement for a way to watch 8 -- yes, 8 football games at the same time! I think I would get dizzy or something and I can't imagine anyone really needing to focus on 8 must-see games at a time. Sad.

Beth said...

As we like to say here in our house, "Dirty marketers!!"