Sunday, May 09, 2010


I need to comment on the amount of help we had with our recent move. Our friends need to know how grateful we are for them and how amazing they are. We feel very fortunate to have so many people willing to help us with such an undertaking.

We closed on our old home in early April but negotiated a rent-back period so we could stay in the home until we finalized the purchase of the new house. By late April we had closed on the new house and were ready to move. We figured we would move most of the boxes piecemeal throughout the week and then enlist the help of friends and U-haul to get the big stuff on a Saturday.

As the week started several family members and ladies from the ward brought their SUVs and mini-vans and started loading up boxes and whatever they could fit to take to the new house. They made many, many trips, and there were many who didn't help with the physical move but did volunteer to watch the kids so they wouldn't be underfoot while the move was ongoing. By the time Wednesday rolled around a huge portion of the smaller things had already been taken care of.

At this point we were nervous because the weather forecast was calling for very cold temperatures and lots of rain on Saturday. So, I called up U-haul and switched the rental to that evening. I sent out an email asking friends and family if they would be able to help that evening on such short notice. Later that afternoon the trucks started arriving. I was still working and people were already loading up couches and bookshelves and whatever they could get their hands on and taking it to the new place. By the time I was ready to pitch in, it was suggested that a U-haul would not be necessary. We had enough trucks and people that we could probably handle everything in one or two more trips. It would take more time to go over and pick up the U-haul and bring it back than it was worth.

So, everyone redoubled their efforts and put their shoulders into the work and before we knew it the house was virtually empty. Everyone simply made their way over to the other house and unloaded there as well. People came after they got off work and helped move things from the garage into the new house. Other people called later in the evening anxious to come and help, and I had to tell them there was not really anything for them to do. It was absolutely amazing how much was done in such a short space of time. Over the next few days I told several people that I, personally, probably moved fewer items during this move than I had on several of the moves I had previously helped other people with. And I don't believe I was exaggerating when I said that.

We had a few more loads to make over the next several days, and we were even able to do a lot of work on that Saturday (the forecast of apocalyptic weather turned out to be greatly overblown!). In the end I did manage to do quite a bit of work on the move, but I have to offer my complete gratitude to the many, many people who came to my family's aid and helped. My sisters, my niece and so many ward members that I'm really not sure what the count of people who helped might be. I would speculate that it was probably in the thirties somewhere by the time you consider everyone who helped in the early part of the week and on the Wednesday. Simply remarkable. We love the people who are part of our lives, and we will miss mightily the ward we are leaving. Eliza's middle name is McKay for a very real reason. That ward family has taken care of us on more than one occasion. So, thanks everyone! We love you, and we are exceedingly grateful for your service and love. We're also grateful that we're only a few miles away so we can all still hang out. Now we get to make new friends and enjoy a new ward while still maintaining the ties and friendships we've been fortunate to build over the past eight years. It almost feels like we're cheating to be so lucky! Life is good.


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