Friday, February 29, 2008
Good Times with Billy
As for today's post, it's all about yesterday, which was a very good day. Many may not know, but I basically work entirely out of my house these days. That has had some serious benefits with the recent family issues. I've been able to be home for the kids and now to support Brenna as she continues getting better. I love the commute (rolling out of bed), and I find that I am pretty effective. All of my colleagues are scattered across the US (as well as UK and Australia), and none of them are in Colorado, so it really doesn't matter whether I'm in the office or not. At any rate, that lengthy preamble explains why I was able to go to Parent-Teacher conferences yesterday. I have to tell you what a pleasure it is to go to these conferences. I enjoy seeing the kids' classrooms and watching their faces light up as they get to show dad and mom all of the things they've been working on. You can't beat that. Plus, I really enjoy the teachers my children have had--they have been such amazing influences and right on top of everything. They give great feedback as to what we can do to help the kids, and I can tell by their actions that they love what they do and that they love the kids they teach. So, to Mrs Haile, Mrs Beard and Miss Duskis--thank you! You know you are loved at our house.
Anyway, in conjunction with the conferences, the school has a book fair. I'm thrilled that Savannah has inherited my love of reading and that Hunter is showing real skill in that area as well. There are few things I would rather bestow upon them than a love of reading. So I enjoy going to the book fair and picking out a few books for them. They all went to the Children's Museum with our friend, Teri, yesterday so I was alone at the book fair and was able to bring the books home and put them on their beds for a bedtime surprise.
Unfortunately, I wasn't there for bedtime last night, which brings us to the reason for my post title. I have loved Billy Joel since high school but never been to one of his concerts, so a few months ago when Brenna and I saw he was going to play Pepsi Center we bought tickets. Brenna encouraged me to get expensive tix, but I told her, "Look, Billy isn't all that handsome a man and I'm sure I'll be able to hear just fine wherever we sit," so we bought tix in the nosebleeds. Well, as you know Brenna is in no position to be going to a concert so I had to resort to alternative measures. Not a problem as my dear friend Paul is a big Billy fan as well.
Paul picked me up last evening and we headed downtown for some grub and chatting before the concert. Paul and I have been friends for almost 20 years now, and we never lack for things to discuss. I truly cherish the time I'm able to spend with friends in such situations because the opportunities are so few and far between these days. I'm grateful for the reasons that cause the scarcity of these opportunities, but being a husband, father, and contributing member of society does pretty much minimize the quality friendship time! So, when the chances come along I enjoy making the most of them. Conversation ranged from books and movies (No Country For Old Men was the subject of quite a conversation--I having read the book and Paul having seen the movie, so we could compare notes) to sports (shocker) to children to friends to work to politics. Pretty standard fare, but thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks, Paul, for your good insights and the food for thought you provided.
Eventually we headed over to Pepsi Center and got to our seats just a few minutes before the concert began. Billy had some pretty funny moments mocking himself--his age, his looks, his past indiscretions, etc. He was lighthearted and seemed to be enjoying himself. He played several songs I'm not familiar with, but the bulk of the concert was his quality stuff from the 70s and a few from the 90s with a bit of late 80s sprinkled in. The crowd did a respectable job singing along and it was fun. It cracked me up to look around that 20,000 seat stadium and see so many basically middle-aged folks sitting in their seats and crooning along with the piano man. I don't think I've been to a concert since high school, so this was quite a departure from my previous experiences. A few folks were up and dancing, but for the most part we all kicked back and soaked it in. I love Billy because he does such a great job telling stories through his music. He really evokes mental images and emotion through his lyrics. I appreciate that. Scenes From an Italian Restaurant, Piano Man, and The Entertainer were great examples of that last night. A couple of my all time favorites from him in that regard are Leningrad and The Downeaster Alexa. Sadly, he didn't play them last night. But all considered, it was a night well worth the time. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
There was one very disorienting moment during the concert. About halfway through he invited one of his stagehands up to perform. Apparently the stagehand had been passed over by American Idol because he "didn't fit the format." Hmmm. Hard to see why. Billy introduces Chainsaw and this very large man (both muscular and overweight) strides onto the stage with a wifebeater, shorts and combat boots--heavily tatted and looking for all the world like he was meant for nothing else than to be the poster boy for the song he was about to sing. The band bursts into a cacophony of noise, and at first I thought we were in for AC/DC's You Shook Me All Night Long. Well, not far from the truth. Instead we got AC/DC's Highway to Hell. Interestingly enough, the crowd was really into it. Pretty funny to watch this guy stomp around the stage and scream into the microphone. What that had to do with anything related to Billy Joel is still a mystery to me. As I said, disorienting.
After acting like the concert was over no less than three times Billy closed with Piano Man, the house lights came on and everyone went home happy. When I walked in the house, I went upstairs and gave Savannah a hug and kiss that partially woke her up. She rolled over and gave me a hug, too and then promptly fell back asleep. I checked on Hunter and Maddie and gave them kisses as well. Then I went to my bedroom to find a note from Savannah:
Will you try to wake me up, and if you can't just give me a hug and kiss while I'm sleeping ;)
I (heart) U!
Your daughter Savannah
P.S. I missed you while you were at the concert.
Man, you just can't beat that. Good times with Billy. To borrow from U2--a beautiful day.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Closing Out Week 1
Sampling the digitary cuisine.
Grandma Jean's first look at her granddaughter. This was a great moment to share with my mother.
More demonstration of how tiny she is.
Some useful info in the commentary. Sorry the video is so dark. Can't really make anything out.
Nurse Lindsay showing her off before putting her back in the condo.
Day 7
Sister Vickie Moore made this beautiful blanket. It now sits over the top of Eliza's condo to keep it snuggly and dark. They took the lights off of Eliza Sunday morning. We hope they'll stay off, but they may have to put them back on. We'll see how it goes.
Love the hiccups. This was a fun moment with Eliza.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Days 3 & 4
Day 4
I really enjoy taking the video of her. It's just amazing to have these moments captured and to be able to share them with family and friends. Hopefully it helps bridge the distance between us all.
Nurse Kayla checking the vitals. We have loved the nurses in the NICU. They are caring and attentive and just great. We know Eliza is always in good hands. What a blessing. I've enjoyed seeing the work they do because it gives me a little window into the life of my niece, Rebecca. Way to go, Rebecca! You are part of an amazing profession.
As soon as Brenna gets away from the doctors, with what do you think she is confronted? More doctors, of course! Savannah and Maddie were immediately on hand to tend to her every need (real and imagined). What good helpers! Conspicuous by his absence is Hunter who greeted mom at the door with his customary affection--giving her a big smile with a hug and kiss. Then, however, it was back to the Wii in his continuing quest to collect stars and save Luigi and find Princesses and whatever else it is that he does in Super Mario Galaxy. Mom comes home from the hospital, and all he wants to do is save the galaxy. Boys! What are we gonna do with them?
Paging Dr. Fillerup. Please report to the ER.
When did you say you graduated from med school? I mean, I liked Doogie Howser growing up, but this is a bit ridiculous!
Good times at the Fillerup house.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Day 2
More evidence of how tiny she is. Note the big blue tube at her face. That is what is blowing the air that forces her to keep her lungs open. The black eye cover is just what it looks like--giving her relief from light. She is under the bright lights for jaundice treatment, and the doctors say she is doing well. For those who know about these things her APGAR scores were 7 after 1 minute and 9 after 5 minutes.
What an experience--just holding her tiny hand.
Like I said, I love just gazing at her.
My turn to hold her tiny hand.
I love this--a little defiant fist thrown out to show she will succeed. The NICU nurses have refer to her as "feisty" and "a fighter." They also call her "the giant" because she is bigger than most of the pre-30 week premies they see. All of those names sound great to me.
OK, tomorrow is a new day. One day closer to Bren coming home, and one day closer to Eliza coming home, too, for that matter.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Welcome Eliza!
Brenna and I talked this morning, and she said that things had changed a bit again overnight and the docs were keeping a close eye on her. So I took the kids down in the early afternoon, and we were just hanging out, chatting and eating a few snacks. Brenna was hooked up to the monitors, and the heart rated dropped a time or two, but things would soon stabilize and all appeared OK. But about 2:30 in the afternoon the signs took a turn for the worse again, and the doc told Brenna it was time. So, one of the kind nurses took the children to the lobby to watch some cartoons, and I gave my folks and Brenna's folks a quick call to let them know that birth was imminent. I then called our dear friend Teri, and she got in her car and came down to the hospital to pick up the kids (thanks for everything, Teri!). The docs got some scrubs for me and I changed and watched through the window as they gave Bren an epidural (not sure that's what they call it with a c-section, but you get the idea).
After she had the epidural they allowed me to go into the surgery room. Bren was awake, but soon completely numb from the chest down. Once there, the docs performed the c-section (absolutely amazing, by the way, but I don't think it's wise to go into detail here) and pulled the little baby right out. Time of birth: 3:55PM. After a few seconds the baby made some crying noises and took a few breaths all on her own. This probably doesn't need to be said, but since Bren was only 28 weeks along, the baby was absolutely tiny. Amazingly well formed and just perfect to look at, but incredibly small. She has lots of black hair, just like her sisters when they were newborns. Very fun to see that similarity. The neo-natal docs then took the baby and got her on some oxygen and under the heat lamp. They also put some meds in her to ensure her lungs would function properly. The little one took it all in stride and seemed perfectly at home in the doctor's care--not a worry in the world. One of the docs pointed out a couple of external signs on the baby that indicated the baby had been starting to have stress in the womb, and that it was good she was delivered when she was. He said it was good timing and good work by the obstetricians. I am certainly grateful for that.
Meanwhile, the obstetrician was stitching Brenna up. Bren really wanted to be with and hold the baby, but of course, she was in no position to do so. But she kept looking over, and it was touching to be reminded of the immediate bond between mother and child. You could see Brenna's heart was with the baby. Soon enough Bren was stitched up and the baby was ready to be moved to the NICU, and they wrapped her up and let Brenna hold her for just a few moments. I will always have that beautiful memory.
Then they took the baby to the NICU, and I went with them. Once there, they weighed her, measured her and her stats are 2 lb 14 oz and 15 3/4 inches. I can't believe how small that is, and I reflected that not too many years ago this poor child wouldn't have had a chance. But today, things are looking absolutely fantastic for her. What a blessing! Here is a video of her shortly after she was admitted to the NICU. I especially love the beginning because she is moving around a bit!
After spending a decent amount of time in the NICU I went back to check on Brenna. Suffice to say that having a c-section is not easy. My dear wife needs some rest and recovery time, and I am glad she will get just that.
We have been batting around baby names for a little while, and we're still not fully settled, but we think her name will be Eliza. Not sure if we'll make the actual name Elizabeth and call her Eliza or just stick with Eliza. We'll see over the next few days.
I have a few pictures of the day to share:
Here she is in the NICU. She has a tube going down her throat and into her lungs to ensure she's getting enough oxygen. The docs hope she will be off of that in two or three days. She is being fed intravenously, with the IV going straight into the little umbilical cord stump. Pretty cool!
Close up. Aaaaw! (I love her.)
I didn't realize I had this thing in sideways, and I'm too lazy to change it now. But after what my wife just went through I'm looking waaaaaay too happy. (I think I am a little justified, though.)
Yes, delivering a baby definitely takes a lot out of you--especially when you don't get too really hold and bond with the baby immediately after. It's been really tough on Bren to have her whisked away so quickly. Fortunately, Bren will probably be wheelchair mobile tomorrow, and then will be able to come home Thursday or Friday. So she'll have opportunities to spend time with Eliza, and then will be able to be with family shortly thereafter. Lots of trips to the hospital in the near future.
And here is one for a little perspective. That's my wedding ring you see there. Note the size of the diaper as well as the fact that the thing covering her face is one of those newborn caps they put on babies. Tiny! Docs advised that we should plan on Eliza being in the hospital until her original due date (May 8), but did leave a window of hope that she might be ready to come home a few weeks before that. We'll see how it goes.
I am firmly convinced that Eliza decided when she was going to be born. Savannah was sad the other night because she was missing her mom and was worried about the baby. So she and I had a little chat, and I told her that the baby knew what was going on. She realized we'd just celebrated Maddie's and Savannah's birthdays, and that there was no way she was going to be left out of the February girl birthday brigade. That brought a smile to Savannah's face. It's comforting to think that your little sister knows who you are and knows about the family. You may smile and say it's all coincidence, but I don't believe it for a moment. Eliza wanted to be born in February--of that I am certain.
After I picked the kids up from the Esplins tonight, Savannah happily pointed out that I was right--Eliza did decide to come in February. It was a sweet moment.
We are blessed and very fortunate. Thank you to the amazing doctors, nurses and other hospital personnel for their expertise and care. Thank you to family members and friends for your support and prayers. They have been very well put to use. Thank you to our ward members who have gone above and beyond any expectations we may have had in making this experience as easy as it possibly could be on Brenna and the children. I really haven't had to do much of anything except show up. People are wonderful. Thank you to our school community. The families of Hunter's friends have taken Hunter under their wing and made sure he's had plenty to do in those hours between when kindergarten ends and dad finished working. We have amazing people in our lives, and we love you all.
And, we love the Lord. His spirit has been felt throughout the past several days and last evening Bren and I received unmistakable assurances that everything would turn out well. We feel loved and cared for, and we are so grateful because we know there are many, many people who have not had things turn out so well for them. Our hearts go out to all such, as we can't imagine such a trial.
Welcome to our family, Eliza!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hospital Update
The toughest part of the non-hospital side of things is just getting to spend time with Bren. Once everything is said and done (kids getting home from school, dinner, getting organized, etc.) we only get two to three hours with her, which is tough on all of us, but especially on Brenna. Two or three hours out of 24 certainly isn't a large proportion. I know she desperately misses being mom and spending time with us all.
Thank goodness for our friends in the ward and community. Several ladies have been down to visit Brenna already, and I know several more have plans to do so. Brenna has such a giving heart and kind disposition that she has the blessing of many folks feeling comfortable around her and enjoying being her friend. What wonderful attributes to have. Too bad I'm such a slow learner in that regard or she could teach me a thing or two! But it has been nice to hear of visits from dear friends in the ward. I am so grateful for them.
Tomorrow is Savannah's birthday, so I decided to just completely take the day off work and spend it with the kids. They get out of school early on Wednesdays, so it's a perfect opportunity to spend a few extra precious hours with mom. The challenge is Maddie, who grows restless in the small hospital room. She does her best to keep us entertained--unfortunately, it's not always entertaining!
So, I guess the short message is that the delivery is drawing near, but we don't know how near. Both mom and baby are doing well, and we're very appreciative of all the support--visits, prayers, people watching the kids while I work, meals and just the wonderful love that we feel from so many folks.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
So, not good news there. In addition, because Bren is only 27 weeks along she couldn't stay at our normal hospital because they can't handle premies earlier than 30 weeks. So they sent us to Presbyterian/St. Luke's downtown. Apparently, they're the best premie care center around and have a fantastic NICU. We're grateful for that. When we got there, the docs took a look via ultrasound and concurred that very little amniotic fluid was present thereby making it difficult to take a sample and test for infection. So, they put Bren on antibiotics and told her they would watch for normal signs of infection--tenderness, fever, etc. They also indicated that the baby could stay in the womb as long as possible unless one of three factors was present--infection, the body naturally begins the delivery process or the baby is under stress. Well, the body is not trying to deliver, and the baby is not under stress--normal heart rate, normal signs of growth, etc., and because no signs of infection (other than the ruptured amniotic sack) have exhibited themselves, they are not going down the road of early delivery. This is good because 28 weeks is a real bellweather mark in determining how well a premie will do. And, of course, the more weeks tacked on the better and easier the transition from womb to the world.
In addition, the baby is in breach position currently and therefore, they would perform a C-section if they were going to take the baby early. Certainly not the worst thing in the world, but something we would choose to avoid if we can. Also, the baby is only 2 lb 9 oz right now and that just seems so unbelievably tiny. So, Brenna is at the hospital while I and the children are here at home.
The good news is that Bren and the baby both seem very healthy and we have every reason to be completely optimistic that everything will turn out just fine. The bad news is that it looks like Bren has a prolonged hospital stay ahead of her. This will be challenging for many reasons (school, work, emotional, etc.), but it is certainly something we feel we will be able to meet head on.
We have an amazing ward and friends in the community. Our families rally around us, and we feel incredibly blessed. I have felt the Spirit very strongly over the last few days and I continue to be amazed and the kindness and goodness people exhibit. We have seen many Christ-like examples during this pregnancy, and our hope is that we can learn from these examples and reach out to others in like manner. The Lord is good, and I, personally, am grateful for his guiding hand.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
All in all, I highly recommend the caucus format. A bit confusing, certainly, but it made me feel more like I was part of America, because I was actually a part of the community. I don't create that opportunity for myself often enough, so I appreciate when it is presented to me.