Meanderings--my first foray into the blogoshpere. In truth, my experience with blogs of any kind is tremendously limited. I've visited the blog of a friend on numerous occasions, but otherwise I have steered clear of this burgeoning communication tool.
I have been attempting to keep a journal for the past couple of years, but as I was exploring Google today, it simply made sense to convert to the blog. Easier to keep track of, and, somehow, it just feels more informal.
Right now, I even have the pleasure of trying to determine my audience. Am I writing this mostly for myself, or am I writing it for others? Hopefully, in the end, it doesn't matter a whole lot.
Now, I'm going to keep it short for this initial effort, but I will offer some insights to others and reminders to myself of topics I would like to address at one point or another during my meanderings.
- Soccer, or as known by its world-wide moniker--football
- Books and reading in general
- The misadventures of my three children
- Religious influences
- Revenue recognition miscellanea, and the difficulties it presents in the workforce (I'm a corporate CPA by trade)
- Travel (note the picture of myself and my lovely wife in front of Paris's own Arc de Triomphe)
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