The news on her end, once again, is all good. Early last week the NICU had another influx of premies, so they had to do some shuffling of babies in the various rooms to even out the workload on the nurses. Consequently, on Wednesday Eliza was moved to a new room. Goodbye, Sophia and Preston. We're sad to not get to spend time with their wonderful parents anymore, but Eliza's new room is actually quite a bit larger and very quiet, so we feel good about her new digs! Brenna hasn't been to that room yet, but she's looking forward to going down tomorrow (assuming we don't get too much snow here in Denver--they're talking about 18" overnight--yikes!). I'm still a few days away from being able to go down for another visit.
The updates we've received in the latter half of the week are these:
- Eliza is now up to 3 lb 8 oz. She's flying along! At 4 lb they will take her out of her isolette as they expect she'll be able to maintain her own body temperature at that point. I'm hoping for another week to 10 days there.
- She will be moved to "low flow" oxygen tomorrow, which basically means they will no longer be blowing any air in to help her keep her lungs open--she'll have to do that on her own. She will be receiving slightly more oxygen than room oxygen, but she is pretty low on that scale as well.
- She will start bottle feeding probably next week, or maybe the week after. Before coming home she needs to go 24 hours without being fed through the gavage. So, we have a while to go there.
- She's still having an occasional brady (drop of the heart rate). They consider them serious when they get down into the 50s. Eliza has been having about one of those a night, but she corrects them on her own without external stimulation, so that is good. She has to go five days without a brady before she can come home.
Sorry, no pics this week as we didn't take the camera with us on any of our trips as we usually wait until the end of the week to get our photos. Just look at last week's pics and imagine her about 1/3 lb bigger!
I got to sick across the table from your mom at the R.S. dinner last week and she told me all about Eliza... nothing I didn't know already from your blog - but she had the biggest smile on her face you could tell she is a big fan!
Yep. My mom is all right! Funny thing about the RS dinner--I looked at the pics on your blog, and it is just strange seeing pictures of that gym where I spent so much time--still being put to very good use. Glad you guys are there.
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