Monday, March 30, 2009

Maddie's Choices

This may surprise some parents, but our children often get on each others' nerves (and their parents' nerves, for that matter) while driving in the van.  The whining, complaining and pestering start, and I realize that something must be done to keep my inner beast in lockdown.  So, I turn to the time honored tool of the parent--distraction!  My favorite method of late is to give the kids choices.  The choices aren't meant to be taken seriously--they're simply meant to get the kids' attention and make them think for 1/2 second.  I'll ask questions along the lines of the following . . .

Which do you prefer:

- an apple or an orange
- Smashburger or Famous Dave's
- Mario Party or Mario Kart
- Phineas & Ferb or Suite Life
- California or Georgia
- basketball or soccer
- snow or rain
- Bolt or Kung Fu Panda
- crepes or german pancakes
- dogs or cats
- flying or being invisible
- Dumbledore or Sirius

You get the idea.  

Well, the other day we were in the van, and I started up the game and Maddie really got into the spirit of it.  So much so that she started asking her own questions.  A sample . . .

Which do you prefer:

- pink or lipstick
- maps or Princess & the Pea
- buses or doors
- playdates or stop lights
- temples or stores
- medicine or rocks

We were all cracking up!  Madison seemed a bit offended at our laughter, and questioned Brenna and me about it.  What could we say?  We simply told her it was very fun to hear her coming up with her own questions, and we were enjoying it very much.  That seemed to mollify her . . . somewhat.  

Thank goodness for Madison.  She really challenges us at times, but she has such vigor and enthusiasm that you can't help but smile.  Oh, and I would definitely take a playdate over a stop light anytime!


Alison Woods said...

That's cute! I'll have to try that with our kids sometime.

Rebecca said...

That's so fun! Gotta love Madison.

Anonymous said...

So precious. What a sweetie.

Jamie Eskelson said...

What a fun idea, and a good starter, I bet, for some cute conversation. Thanks for posting it. I like sharing parenting ideas with you. Can you believe we are this old, and raising kids...time really flies by fast. We're going on a little trip this weekend, I'm going to give it a try.

Linda said...

Riley and I play "Tell Me A Time," and Lennon gets in on our rhyming game, but I think this will be a great addition.